Welcome Message
Welcome to the 20 minute retreat course!
First thing:
Allow this to be an invitation to go within. Allow it to be a treat, not a chore. Let it sit and call to you as a little piece of nurturing for your soul. Please don't put it on your "To Do" list or make it another "should."
Try out the different mini's and see which you enjoy the most. You may find one approach you like alot and some of the others not so much. That's fine! This is just an exploration. Have fun with it. Relax into it.
Create Your Space
Next: Dedicate a space in your home that you will do these mini retreats. Make sure that it is quiet and private so that you have uninterrupted time. Make it comfortable and I suggest always having a candle to light to initiate the start of the retreat and bringing light to your inner life. This doesn't have to be elaborate at all. But it is important to keep returning to the same space so that you begin building the energy of "inner work" and also to create cellular memory within your body. After a few sessions, when you return to the space, your body will remember and relax into the process much quicker.